Jeffrey Ma 马洁锋 ☕️

My name is Jiefeng Ma, but you may also refer to me as Jeffrey. I am currently in my third year as a PhD candidate at the NERC-SLIP Lab, where I have the privilege of working under the guidance of Prof. Du. My research endeavors primarily revolve around document intelligence, multimodal learning, and AI Generated Content (AIGC).

As the field of AIGC continues to grow, it encompasses the creation and optimization of content using advanced artificial intelligence techniques. I am dedicated to contributing significantly to this area through rigorous investigation and innovative problem-solving as I progress in my academic pursuits.




Super-Brain group, iFLYTEK Research
Research Intern - Multimodal Content Understanding
March 2022 – Present

Responsibilities include:

  • PDF parser system
  • Document reconstruction
  • Mathematical reasoning

Collaborators and Friends: Jianshu Zhang (张建树), Zhenrong Zhang (张镇荣)

YouTu Lab, Tencent
Research Intern - Document AI
October 2020 – October 2021

Responsibilities include:

  • Document layout pretrain
  • Document key information extraction
  • Few-shot & zero-shot learning

Collaborators and Friends: Haoyu Cao (曹浩宇), Zhongzhong Li (李中中), Sheng Kang (康昇), Wenwen Yu (余文文)

Selected Honors

First Place Winner
First place winner of the Education Handwritten Formula Recognition Competition in the Smart Education Subject Competition of the 5th China Innovation Challenge. (1/250)
Selected as outstanding graduate of the school in 2020.
Served as the team leader, in charge of mechanical structure design and code implemention on STM-32.
Served as the vice president of School of Information Science and Technology Student Union, in charge of the practice and volunteer team.
Excellent Student Scholarship
Silver Award (Top 10%) / Gold Award (Top 1%) / Silver Award (Top 10%)
Served as the president of the USTC School of Information Science and Technology Youth Volunteer Association and Youth League Committee Office.


If you have any problems on my projects, please feel free to contact me.
  • Yanzi He Road, Hefei, Anhui 231283
  • Room 202, 2nd Floor, Xinzhi Building, High-tech Campus, University of Science and Technology of China.
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